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[23-JUN-2022] Click here to read announcement regarding VC Group.
[19-AUG-2021] Click here to read announcement regarding VC Finance Limited.

卓越 滙聚財富
Corporate Finance
Asset Management
One-stop brokerage services with professional advices and a powerful electronic trading platform.
To meet the distinct needs of corporate clients, VC Group helps address matters relating with financing and corporate expansion.
Offering clients with alternative investment products with the aim of achieving superior returns for its investors...


VC Brokerage Limited is a licensed corporation (CE No. ABG074) with the Securities and Futures Commission carrying out the regulated activities of Dealing in Securities and Advising on Securities. It is also a Participant of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. VC Futures Limited is a licensed corporation (CE No. ADK142) with the Securities and Futures Commission carrying out the regulated activities of Dealing in Futures Contracts and Advising on Futures Contracts. It is also a Participant of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited. VC Capital Limited is a licensed corporation (CE No. AAG899) with the Securities and Futures Commission carrying out the regulated activities of Advising on Corporate Finance. VC Asset Management Limited is a licensed corporation (CE No. ALC006) with the Securities and Futures Commission carrying out the regulated activities of Asset Management. The market information on this web-site is powered by Group and its service providers endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided but does not guarantee its accuracy or reliability (whether in tort or contractor otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.
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